About Stephen Kurtz

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Entries by Stephen Kurtz

5 Signs That It’s Time to Upgrade Your Business Technology

Love it or hate it, technology is at the heart of every successful business. It’s not just a tool—it’s a catalyst for growth, efficiency, and competitive advantage. Keeping your business technology up to date is not merely a matter of staying current but it’s also about ensuring that your systems can support your ambitions.  Whether […]

12 Effective Ways to Secure Your Business Devices

Sometimes, the hardest thing is to recognize the importance of robust device security in an era where business operations heavily rely on interconnected devices. The vulnerability of these devices to cyber threats poses a significant risk to the integrity and confidentiality of sensitive business data. As a business owner, fortifying your devices against potential breaches […]

How to Tell If Your Computer Has Malware

Although efficient software tools exist to prevent the damage that malware can cause in your PC, the truth is that you are never exempt from your computer being targeted by malicious forces intent on hijacking your data. How can you tell if your computer has malware? Malware can make its way into your system so subtly […]

7 Reasons Why Small Businesses Should Consider Outsourcing IT

These days, IT is the backbone that keeps business operations running smoothly. Small businesses, in particular, can greatly benefit from having robust IT systems, as they enable growth, streamline processes, and enhance competitiveness. However, managing IT in-house can be challenging, resource-intensive, and distracting from core business activities.  This is where outsourced IT support comes into […]

5 Reasons Why Cybersecurity Awareness is Important for Employees 

Your business might have the most up-to-date network security like firewalls, encryption, and antivirus software, but all it takes is just one employee clicking an unsafe link to fall victim to a cyberattack. In 2017, Target suffered from a major cyberattack. This was due to one person from a third-party HVAC company clicking a suspicious […]

Why Do Businesses Convert to The Cloud?

Are you asking yourself why you should convert to the cloud as part of your business model? Understandably, business owners can be wary of new technology and unfamiliar advancements like this. However, cloud servers represent massive levels of potential.  When you use cloud IT services, you can ensure that you are able to store all […]

Your IT Needs a Checkup: Why It’s Time for a Technology Assessment

In December of 2004, Comair, an airline subsidiary of Delta Air Lines, announced that they had suffered a system overload due to a large number of canceled flights and resulting crew reassignments. Comair’s computer system shutdown left nearly 200,000 passengers stranded in the days leading up to Christmas. As the official statement mentions, Comair’s IT […]

The Top Cybersecurity Threats That Plague Your Business

In 2023, cybercrime is projected to inflict more than $8 trillion worth of damage worldwide. Considering how cybercriminals are leveraging increasingly sophisticated methods to launch attacks, this figure may come as no surprise. To effectively fend off these cyber criminals, you’ll first need to have an updated understanding of the methods they employ. In this […]

AI and Cybersecurity: What Your Business Needs to Know 

If you’ve been paying attention to the news, you’ve probably seen one thing crop up again and again: the rapid development of AI. If you’re a business owner, these new AI advancements represent a double-edged sword—they come with new and exciting opportunities, but in the wrong hands, they can also bring unprecedented challenges. One of […]

Common IT Problems That Businesses Face and How to Fix Them

In the modern world, your business relies on technology to operate efficiently. However, no matter how advanced your technology is, it can still experience problems. From software glitches to hardware malfunctions, there is a wide range of potential issues that could arise at any time. This can result in costly downtime that eats away at […]