About Stephen Kurtz

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But we are proud to say that Stephen Kurtz contributed 83 entries already.

Entries by Stephen Kurtz

How Do Managed IT Support Companies Help Businesses in Different Industries Grow?

Managed IT support is a service provided by IT professionals, such as IT technicians and IT consultants, to help businesses maintain their IT infrastructure and manage IT operations. This kind of support allows businesses to remain up-to-date with the latest IT trends and technologies while also providing a reliable IT environment that meets the business’s […]

The Importance of Applying Cybersecurity Best Practices for Employees in Your Company to Stay Safe

As businesses embrace digital transformation, cybersecurity best practices for employees become more and more important. It’s essential that everyone in your organization, from top executives to entry-level employees, are aware of the potential risks and take steps to ensure the company’s network security. There are a number of cybersecurity best practices that your employees can […]

How security gets integrated into cloud computing

Security is a legitimate issue when considering how you approach your cloud usage. While the major cloud computing service providers constantly update their security protocols and protections, the vast amount of data across the cloud makes them a tempting target for all manner of bad actors.

7 Steps to Finding the Best IT Companies in Dallas

You may be at a point in your business where it’s time to outsource your company’s IT needs.  Whether it’s because your in-house staff is overwhelmed or you need an outside perspective, it can be difficult to know where to start. It’s even harder to know you’re choosing the right IT company for your business. […]

Cybersecurity Awareness Month: How Seeing Yourself in Cyber Can Protect Your Company Against Threats

This year’s National Cybersecurity Awareness Month theme is “See Yourself in Cyber.” The theme focuses on how you can play a key part in cybersecurity. As business owners and employees, cybersecurity should be top of mind year-round. However, Cybersecurity Awareness Month reminds you to take the time to understand your important role in cybersecurity and […]

Is Your IT Solutions Company Protecting Your Business from Evolving Cybersecurity Threats? How You Can Tell

As business owners, your responsibility is to make sure that your company is well protected from all threats—including cybersecurity threats. Unfortunately, many business owners don’t realize the importance of cybersecurity until it’s too late. That’s why it’s important to partner with an IT solutions company that takes a proactive approach to cybersecurity. But how can […]

4 Ways to Improve Business Cybersecurity

Businesses can no longer afford to skimp on cybersecurity services. With data breaches becoming more and more common, it is essential that businesses take steps to protect their networks and data. Here are four ways that businesses can improve their cybersecurity posture. These include enabling multi-factor authentication, keeping your hardware and software updated, training your […]

5 Signs Your In-House IT Department Needs More Support

It can be tough to know when it’s time to bring in managed IT support. After all, your in-house IT department is made up of your valued employees. But the fact is, sometimes your in-house IT department needs more help than they can give.  If you’re seeing any of the following signs, it’s time to […]