About Stephen Kurtz

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But we are proud to say that Stephen Kurtz contributed 101 entries already.

Entries by Stephen Kurtz

How to Stop Spam from Clogging Up Your Inbox

Spam takes up precious space in your inbox and makes it difficult to find the emails that legitimately require your attention, especially in a professional setting. Not only that, but it is oftentimes the vehicle through which security problems reach your business’s network. Figuring out how to stop spam from clogging up your inbox can […]

What a Technology Assessment Will Tell You About Your Business

A technology assessment will tell you where your IT is lacking. Up-to-date, fully functional technology is essential in virtually every industry today. It plays a huge role in business growth and efficiency, and it’s almost guaranteed that the use of technology in business will become even more prominent as time goes on.  While this is […]

3 Things an MSP Will Do For Your Company-Besides Great Tech Support

It’s clear that a managed services provider will give you great tech support, but what can they have to offer you and your business beyond tech support?  A managed services provider (MSP) will remotely manage your company’s entire IT infrastructure, giving you the time you need to focus on your business. It’s also a long-term, […]

Why Your Business Needs These 4 IT Solutions

Due to the impact of COVID-19, many small businesses were pushed online during the early spring of 2020. In order to maintain sales and productivity, many of these businesses partnered with managed services providers to assist them with everything from network connections to data storage and cybersecurity.  Because of the sudden rise of remote work, […]

Top Cybersecurity Issues for Healthcare Providers

IT security services are more important than ever for healthcare providers. Due to their abundance and quality of payment and identification data, it’s no wonder that healthcare providers are popular targets for cyber criminals.  As it stands, most healthcare businesses are ill-equipped in regards to cybersecurity, yet there hasn’t been a time when this security […]

4 Things All Successful Small Businesses Have In Common

Small businesses are continually increasing, and there is a reason a few of them are growing rapidly. How they operate and communicate determines the happiness of their customers and the success of their customers.  Good Communication Good communication is essential not just between customers and employees, but also between coworkers in order to maintain a […]

How to Prepare Your Business for the Rest of 2020

The first half of the year was ravaged by the COVID-19 pandemic; businesses everywhere experienced at least some measure of a repercussion, whether negative or positive. Small businesses in particular were hit hard by the domino effect of our national economic shut-down.  Preparing your company for the wave of economic resurgence as businesses cautiously begin […]

4 Tips for Increasing Your Remote Team’s Productivity

With the advent of the global COVID-19 pandemic, the trend towards remote work has suddenly accelerated. Many people are now finding themselves struggling to work productively in a new environment or having a hard time managing their team at a distance.  All businesses are at different stages of this learning curve, and many lack any […]

Why Cloud Services Are Essential for Remote Teams

Cloud services have been around for a while, and many organizations have been gradually expanding the range of cloud services they utilize. But now, with remote work being a necessity, these flexible solutions have become essential. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, 4.7 million people were already working remotely in the United States. Technology like cloud solutions, […]