About Stephen Kurtz

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But we are proud to say that Stephen Kurtz contributed 101 entries already.

Entries by Stephen Kurtz

5 Signs Your In-House IT Department Needs More Support

It can be tough to know when it’s time to bring in managed IT support. After all, your in-house IT department is made up of your valued employees. But the fact is, sometimes your in-house IT department needs more help than they can give.  If you’re seeing any of the following signs, it’s time to […]

Is Your IT Solutions Company Protecting Your Business from Evolving Cybersecurity Threats? How You Can Tell

As business owners, your responsibility is to make sure that your company is well protected from all threats—including cybersecurity threats. Unfortunately, many business owners don’t realize the importance of cybersecurity until it’s too late. That’s why it’s important to partner with an IT solutions company that takes a proactive approach to cybersecurity. But how can […]

Key Components of a Comprehensive Security Assessment

Undertaking a comprehensive security assessment of your organization’s systems, policies, and practices is an important step to protecting your data, employees, and customers from today’s growing cybersecurity threats. While conducting regular vulnerability scans and software updates are necessary baselines of security hygiene, a thorough examination involving multiple testing methodologies is needed to uncover hard-to-detect weaknesses.  […]

How to Choose the Right Type of Cloud Computing for Your Business

The evolution of business operations hinges significantly on harnessing the power of cloud computing services. The vitality of these services has become inseparable from streamlined efficiency, optimal functionality, and fortified security measures.  Amidst the vast array of cloud computing services, selecting the right type for your business emerges as a pivotal decision, dictating your company’s […]

The Value of Data Backup and Recovery

It’s hard to comprehend how intricate the world of modern business has become. Every keystroke and transaction is a data point, and every decision made carries the weight of shaping a company’s digital footprint, influencing its trajectory in the relentless march toward success or stagnation.  With such a reliance on our data, the prospect of […]

What You Need to Know About Content Filtering for Your Remote Workforce

The COVID-19 pandemic transformed the landscape of work, compelling businesses worldwide to embrace remote operations swiftly. With this abrupt shift, the safety and integrity of digital infrastructures became a top priority.  Web content filtering emerged as an essential tool, serving as a digital gatekeeper amid the surge in remote work. Its role became pivotal in […]

5 Signs That It’s Time to Upgrade Your Business Technology

Love it or hate it, technology is at the heart of every successful business. It’s not just a tool—it’s a catalyst for growth, efficiency, and competitive advantage. Keeping your business technology up to date is not merely a matter of staying current but it’s also about ensuring that your systems can support your ambitions.  Whether […]

Understanding Firewalls: How They Contribute to Your Network Security

Imagine you’re at the door of a celebrity event and you’re trying to get in. There are probably guards at the front, and if you’re not wearing the right outfit or your name isn’t on the list, there’s no chance you’re getting in. Firewalls are like the security guards at the entrance of your company’s […]

12 Effective Ways to Secure Your Business Devices

Sometimes, the hardest thing is to recognize the importance of robust device security in an era where business operations heavily rely on interconnected devices. The vulnerability of these devices to cyber threats poses a significant risk to the integrity and confidentiality of sensitive business data. As a business owner, fortifying your devices against potential breaches […]

How to Tell If Your Computer Has Malware

Although efficient software tools exist to prevent the damage that malware can cause in your PC, the truth is that you are never exempt from your computer being targeted by malicious forces intent on hijacking your data. How can you tell if your computer has malware? Malware can make its way into your system so subtly […]