About Stephen Kurtz

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Entries by Stephen Kurtz

6 Big Ways Managed IT Services Can Help Small Businesses

When it comes to managed IT services, small businesses have a lot to gain. By partnering with a managed services provider (MSP), small business owners can enjoy improved security, increased productivity, and more opportunities for growth. In addition, managed services can also help save money and decrease downtime. Here, we’ll review how making the switch […]

Proactive Approach To Tech: Why Hire a Dedicated IT Service?

With technology constantly evolving, it’s no secret that companies need to stay up to date to be competitive. Thankfully managed IT services target high-risk threats, debug technical issues, and keep your business running smoothly. In this blog, we’ll explore the numerous benefits of hiring a dedicated IT service. Read on to learn more about what […]

7 Reasons Your Business Needs Content Filtering

Every business needs an IT strategy that includes virus protection, cloud backup, and content filtering, among other services. For those who aren’t familiar with it, content filtering is the practice of blocking access to content on the web that could be offensive, dangerous, or inappropriate. Families use it to block material unsuitable for children, but […]

How to Prevent Data Breaches

A data breach can be detrimental to businesses, especially when sensitive data is lost or private information is stolen. Companies should do their best to avoid any data breach across their network and devices. There are several critical measures that businesses can take to prevent network security breaches, like content filtering, offsite data backup, and […]

Benefits of Cloud Services

Businesses that use cloud services are much more productive and secure than those that don’t. Utilizing cloud services can help your company in ways you might not have imagined. By keeping data and information stored in the cloud, you allow for ease of access for employees and customers wherever they are, whenever they need to […]

7 Questions You Should Be Asking Your IT Provider

Your IT team is the life force of your company. It keeps the company functioning and allows everyone to communicate and collaborate efficiently. If you don’t have the right IT provider or see signs that it is time to switch IT teams, this chief tech investment can quickly turn into dread.  No matter the size […]

The 10 Most Costly Data Breaches in History

There is very little that sends chills down an executive’s spin faster than the utterance of the two words “data breach.” They understand that the first hard-hitting consequence of a data breach is enormous financial loss. That is typically followed by a devastating strike against the company’s reputation as consumers realize that their sensitive data […]

Phishing, Malware, and Ransomware Oh My

Phishing, malware, and ransomware are different types of data attacks that can affect your systems and devices. Data breaches are serious, primarily when they target your business. There are many ways to prevent malicious software from harming, but first, you must understand how they operate. Malware is short for malicious software, and it’s typically used […]

6 Tips for Businesses New to The Cloud

Running a business through the cloud has become increasingly popular in recent years. The cloud’s modern approach allows businesses to operate in a new, efficient way. Not only does the cloud allow companies to store large amounts of data, it is also a cost effective way to conduct business. There are many advantages to utilizing cloud […]

How Often Should You Perform A Data Backup?

Your company’s data is arguably its most valuable asset. For this reason, learning how often you should perform a data backup should be high on the list of your organization’s security priorities. Making backups is about more than just making a copy of files, it is a safety precaution that could save your company should […]